Perpetual Care Burial plots in the Kenoza Lake Methodist Cemetery cost $500 + the  interment fee is $150.  

Call Edmund Raum to purchase a plot.

Ph:  (845) 482-3844 

Trustees & Officers of the Kenoza Lake Methodist Cemetery, a non profit organization.

Kathy Armbrust, Secretary/Treasurer

Phone: 845-482-3374

Vacant, President
William Brey, Trustee
Marguerite Brown, Trustee
John Girrbach, Vice President
Edmund Raum, Trustee      

Leah Waldron, Trustee

Searching for your ancestors?

Visit the website "Find A Grave" to access a searchable record that contains over 687 surnames of those who are buried here. This invaluable resource was created by Helen "Holly" Head-Bossley of Callicoon, New York.


The January 2, 2024 Sullivan County Democrat's Down the Decades column  featured this item from 120 years ago, 1904:  

This Epitaph is taken from the Kenoza Lake Cemetery. The young man was killed in the bark woods and this "poetry" composed by his sweetheart was put on his tombstone:​​


At noon "twas well

But night can't tell

The same concerning me

For life had fled

And I was dead

By the falling of a tree.


Final Resting Place